Only 100MB/sec

I swapped the power supplies between the plotter and harvester. The harvester needed the extra SATA power connectors that the modular power supply had. I also installed a couple of 2TB Samsung SSD's in the harvester. The Meshify 2 case has a couple of 2.5" SSD brackets on the back of the motherboard tray. I then created a ZFS pool of the two SSD's with no redundancy, so it should have fast writes. At that point I did some testing of how long it takes to get a plot from the farmer to the harvester across the network.

Test 1
10GbE network card in farmer. Dual 1GbE network card in harvester. Copying to SSD on the harvester with no redundancy (to rule ZFS out). The speed going from the farmer to the plotter was taking the same as before. Speed starts off at 240 MB/sec and drops to around 100MB/sec.

Test 2
10GbE network cards in both farmer and harvester. Copying to SSD on the harvester again. The speed going from the farmer to the plotter starts around 500MB/sec and drops back to 100MB/sec as before. Clearly its not the network.

At this point I suspect its NFS and start some internet searching and other people have also had this issue well before Chia existed. There are some settings one can adjust which I need to try next. I'll be doing them later. I have some more plots being generated and have to wait until they have finished.

Update: 28th of June
After a lot of testing and swapping of network cards in the plotter its my fault. I had the plotter plugged into a 10GbE port on one of the 8+2 switches (8 gigabit plus 2 multi-gig ports). However its uplink port was plugged into the router which is only capable of gigabit. After plugging the uplink into the 10GbE switch its now able to go at high speed.

I have a 2.5GbE card in the farmer at the moment. I will swap the 10GbE card back in once it finishes the in progress plots. At gigabit speed it takes 15 minutes to move a plot onto the harvester. With 2.5GbE it takes around 7 and a half minutes.

While I was at it I also noticed the network cards had old firmware. I downloaded the firmware updater but it only runs under windows. I had to set up a machine with Windows just to flash the firmware. I've now flashed two of the cards. The third one I only got last week so its up to date.


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