Plotting resumes
After filling up the disk space on the home made storage server there have been a couple of developments.
External disk enclosure
The external disk enclosure arrived. I have put the two spare 8TB HDD into the enclosure and spent a bit of time testing it. It presents the disks as individual drives, which is what I wanted. I am currently running them as a ZFS mirror. I had an issue where the drives spin down if you don't keep them busy. Trying to set the spin down time doesn't work. Fortunately Chia keeps checking the plots so that solves the issue as its checking every 10 seconds or so.
I am now moving plots from the internal drives in the storage machine to the external enclosure. Its getting around 120MB/sec. While that is going I have started creating more plots.
More drives on way
I managed to get a good deal on new WD Red Pro 16TB drives, so I bought 5 of them. This changes my original plan. Now the plan is to swap out the 8TB drives that are in the storage server and put the 5 x 16TB drives in it. I will use a raidz1 (single drive redundancy) pool. That should double the space available for plots and free up the 8TB drives.
External disk enclosure
The external disk enclosure arrived. I have put the two spare 8TB HDD into the enclosure and spent a bit of time testing it. It presents the disks as individual drives, which is what I wanted. I am currently running them as a ZFS mirror. I had an issue where the drives spin down if you don't keep them busy. Trying to set the spin down time doesn't work. Fortunately Chia keeps checking the plots so that solves the issue as its checking every 10 seconds or so.
I am now moving plots from the internal drives in the storage machine to the external enclosure. Its getting around 120MB/sec. While that is going I have started creating more plots.
More drives on way
I managed to get a good deal on new WD Red Pro 16TB drives, so I bought 5 of them. This changes my original plan. Now the plan is to swap out the 8TB drives that are in the storage server and put the 5 x 16TB drives in it. I will use a raidz1 (single drive redundancy) pool. That should double the space available for plots and free up the 8TB drives.
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