More plotting

I'm still producing plots as I have free disk space.

While that is ongoing I have rounded up all my old hard disks. I have repurposed one of my old machines and have it running Darricks Boot and Nuke (DBAN) to wipe the hard disks. I started with the 320GB drives and they're taking around 6 hours to wipe. They were made in 2007 and 2008. I'll be dropping these drives off at an ewaste (electronic waste) facility so they can be recycled. I'll be getting rid of all the 3.5" drives that are less than 4TB.

I am still waiting on the drive brackets for the storage server. They were supposed to be in this week but have been delayed again.

I saw the QNAP TL-R1200C-RP 12 bay 2U rack mount JBOD for sale. What is unusual about this is most rack mount JBOD's use SAS which means you need a HBA card with external SAS ports in your PC, but this one uses USB 3.2 to connect.

The new network switch was supposed to be available "mid-August". The computer shop don't know when it will be in stock, but think it will be in September so I left it on back order.

Update 5 Sep 2021

The drive brackets for the storage server turned up so I need to install them and shuffle drives around.


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