Still plotting

Still creating plots, at least until I fill up the current storage pool. I have a total of 455 plots taking 45TiB (according to the Chia GUI). Estimated time to win is 6 months.

I have two pools of disks, both running under ZFS with raidz (single disk redundancy). The first pool is 5 x 16TB internal to the storage machine, giving approximately 64TB usable space. The second pool is 4 x 8TB in the external disk enclosure, giving approximately 24TB usable space. I've filled the second pool to 90% (or 93% depending on what utility one uses) and now I'm filling the first pool. Its currently 45% full.

I am still waiting on drive mounting brackets for the storage machine, the delivery date keeps getting pushed further back. Once they arrive I may try and mount the 8TB drives into the storage machine as its faster than the external enclosure, as well as allowing me to put another 8TB drive in. I would then look at my collection of older drives to go into the external enclosure, although most are small capacity drives by current standards (4 x 320GB, 6 x 500GB, 1 x 640GB and 1 x 2TB).

I bought 64GB of ECC memory (2 x 32GB sticks) to put in the storage machine but have not had time to install it yet, not that it at the moment. I have to pick a time when I am not creating plots to install it. Disk lookup times according to Chia are well under a second.


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