Harvesting (still)

We're harvesting still. According to the Chia GUI I have 1,125 plots taking an estimated 111.36 TiB. I still have some disk space left on the storage server. Here are the current stats:

pool1  72.8T  49.9T  22.8T        -         -     0%    68%  1.00x    ONLINE  -
pool2  29.1T  26.3T  2.82T        -         -     0%    90%  1.00x    ONLINE  -
pool3  72.8T  65.5T  7.25T        -         -     0%    90%  1.00x    ONLINE  -

I've filled Pool2 and Pool3 both to 90%. The remaining 10% is to allow ZFS to have some free space to function. I expect to fill Pool1 to the same level over time. I know I could run them as individual drives and if one fails simply replace it (losing whatever plots it may have had) but I hate losing data which is why I am running ZFS on the storage server.

I replaced the i3-8100 CPU and its motherboard with a Ryzen 5600X CPU and a newer motherboard. I was hoping to have more memory in the storage server for better caching as well as more CPU cores/threads. At the moment I have the 64GB from the i3 in there (4 x 16GB sticks) along with the SAS controller and 10GbE network card. I even swapped the M2 SSD from the i3 onto the new motherboard.

As I mentioned in my last post my options once I have filled the storage server are rather limited. I think a more ideal setup would be multiple storage servers, but I am not looking at doing that. Chia (XCH) is currently worth $63.35 USD as of today (17th of April 2022) so unless you are earning heaps of them its barely enough to cover the electricity bill.


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