Still harvesting

I filled up my storage server and the USB attached 4 bay disk enclosure. That is 1250 plots taking 123TiB, so now I am just harvesting. I could get larger capacity disks for the external enclosure but it is fairly slow and the drives run hot in there so I decide to stick with what its got (8GB drives).

Another possibility would be to get a different disk enclosure. I have seen a Sabrent external disk enclosure that appeared to look like it will work well. The Sabrent uses USB 3.2 gen 2 so that should speed things up a bit.

The price has fallen off a cliff recently so I don't think its viable to mine chia for a profit. I noticed that the total network space dropped from an estimated 26 EiB to 22 EiB recently so it looks like people are moving away from chia (and other crypto currencies). There are quite a lot of Etherium miners dumping their GPU's and getting out too. For the moment I am leaving it harvesting and let see what happens.


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