Update 13th of Aug 2023

Time for an update.

I have 1562 plots taking 154.6 TiB scattered across 4 machines.

Primary storage server
Ryzen 5600X with 128GB of ECC memory
10GbE network card
8 port SAS controller in HBA mode
10 x 16TB HDD

Secondary storage server
Intel i3-8100U with 64GB of ECC memory
10GbE network card
4 port SATA card
7 x 8TB HDD

Pi storage servers
Raspberry Pi4 4GB
2 x 18TB HDD via its USB 3 ports

I have filled the two Pi storage servers with 290 plots each. They have a pair of Seagate Expansion 18TB drives using the Pi's USB3 ports. I left around 500GB free space on them but after running a btrfs defrag they now have no free space. It should have released the space after each file. Regardless I am running Chia in harvester mode on each one. I could create a plot in 40 minutes but it takes another 20 minutes to get the file onto the Pi due to the 1 gigabit network port.

I have filled out the secondary storage server. Its got 397 plots.

At the moment I am filling out the primary storage server. It has 10 drives in a raidz2 array (so 2 drives for redundancy). Just as well as it has been giving disk errors. I've replaced one of the drives in it and expect I will need to replace another one that frequently gives errors. It will take some time to fill this machine as it has 110TB of usable space. I've got 50TB on it so far.

Once filled I will have to look at my options for getting more disk space. I think the simplest will be to add two more external drives to the Pi's using the USB 2 ports.


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