All disks are full

Shortly after Chia 2 was released they had a Chia 2.0.1 release which corrects an issue with computing invalid compressed plots due to passing incorrect parameters to the Bladebit plotter.

I have filled all the disks at this point. I might get some more Seagate Expansion drives to plug into the Pi4's but I would rather create compressed plots if I could. Unfortunately I don't have a graphics card with 8GB of memory. The ones I have only have 6GB of video memory and I don't want to buy a GPU just for Chia plotting. Hopefully they we have an updated plotter out soon that I can use for compressed plots, in the mean time I am simply farming.

My main storage server is currently run via an nfs share so its latency is worse than even the Raspberry Pi4's running a harvester. The full node runs a local harvester instance and accesses the plots over a network share. I used this to initially get the plots across but haven't yet switched it to run as a harvester.


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