End of February 2024 update

The TR-004 units arrived. The plan is to put four of the 16TB WD drives into each of the TR-004's. I am experimenting with running the TR-004's off a Pi5, but that may turn out to be too slow.

I have a problem in that I have 10 x WD 16TB drives in my primary storage server and I had 4 spares. Two of those spares are now in one of TR-004's. One is off getting replaced under warranty and another spare seems to have died as well. I don't want to pull the drives from the primary storage server until I can generate more plots. Its currently too hot for that at the moment and you need to use an Nvidia GPU if you want compressed plots.

I got 10 x Seagate 20TB drives to put into the primary storage server which will increase its capacity and free up those WD 16TB drives but the weather is holding me back.


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